Further into Imperfecta

The End of the Show

Depending on the path you followed, you may now have different answers to these questions, or if you have read both, perhaps you are able to see now that the display of abnormal bodies is not one thing, but rather a set of complicated relationships, relationships not only between individuals, but also between those individuals and their historical situations.

Still curious? Use the links below to return to the beginning or to follow another path.

Living Curiosities/Selling the Abnormal Body is an ongoing exploration. New content will be woven into the exhibit to explore other aspects of the teratological body as presented in Imperfecta, on display at the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia, PA until Fall 2019.

Further media, in the form of short audio clips from scholars and new images, will be added periodically as well. Check in, or follow us on Twitter @CPPHistMedLib for updates on new content.

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